Yellowstone (2020)

In June 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was privileged to be part of the Landis Artist-in-Residence program in Yellowstone National Park, completing this series of 4×5 film photographs. My gratitude goes to Yellowstone Forever, the official nonprofit partner of Yellowstone National Park, and Bob Landis, for supporting my artistic endeavor.

During my residency, I used my 4x5 view camera to document the evidence of anthropocentric ideals, settler colonialism, and the paradox of enjoyment versus preservation in Yellowstone National Park. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the decline in visitation exaggerates the presence of man-made structures—they are constantly interacting with the ecosystem and blurring the boundaries between human and nature.

2020年6月,我有幸参与了美国⻩石国家公园的艺术家驻地计划,完成了这组4×5大画幅胶片系列。感谢Yellowstone Forever机构和Bob Landis先生的慷慨赞助。
